Thank You, CHOP, for Your Kind Endorsement!

2019-11-11T16:24:59-05:00July 18th, 2016|Kind Words|

We are sincerely delighted to receive an endorsement from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and are pleased to read their kind words about our fund. The Susan & Jack Holender Children’s Fund is committed to supporting CHOP Palliative Care Programs. “We thank the Susan & Jack Holender Children’s Fund for supporting The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Palliative Care program through the Daisy Days 31-Day Challenge. Programs like Palliative Care are reliant on philanthropic support from the community so we are very grateful for the Holender’s donation.” — The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Thank You, Clarke Schools, for Your Kind Endorsement!

2019-11-11T16:27:07-05:00July 18th, 2016|Kind Words|

We are sincerely delighted to receive an endorsement from Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech and are pleased to read their kind words about our fund. The Susan & Jack Holender Children’s Fund is committed to supporting Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech to bring the gifts of hearing and speech to children who are deaf or hard of hearing reach their potential by teaching them to listen and talk. “Susan and Jack Holender exemplify an exceptional spirit of philanthropy, volunteerism and community engagement. Please accept our deepest gratitude to Susan & Jack for your sponsorship of Clarke's first ever Listening [...]

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